
BY TEVYA W. GRIFFIN It is with deep respect and excitement for our Northampton community that I reach out to share news about the progress that the Cape Charles Rosenwald School Restoration Initiative is making at the former Cape Charles Elementary.   As many of you may be aware, I embarked...
To the editor: I write in response to the letter that questioned whether a certain legislative outcome would have differed, had senators prayed on the matter before voting. I wonder, did the authors consider the possibility that exactly such is what happened? Tom Nicholson Troy, Va.
Dear Editor: Jim and Donna Belote should not be surprised by the lack of prayer in Congress (“Senators should pray before they vote,” letters, Aug. 12). On June 28, 1787, at the Philadelphia Constitutional Convention, after almost five weeks of disagreement and little progress, Benjamin Franklin took the floor and gave...
Dear Editor: We can’t help but wonder after the congressional passage of President Biden’s Build Back Better Bill on Sunday, by a vote of 51-50, what would have happened if just one Democrat had walked in and said, “I don’t vote on Sundays. It’s the Lord’s day and we used...
Dear Editor: While many of us seek relief from soaring temperatures in air conditioning, shade, or cool dips in pools, our agricultural workers do not have this luxury. Temperatures in the 90s with high humidity mean a heat index of well over 100 degrees for those working in the fields. In...
Dear Editor: Things are mighty quiet around the county seat lately. I hope it’s because the Accomack County School Board members and the members of the Board of Supervisors are taking their well-deserved vacations. I hope they are not ruminating on following in the footsteps of their sister county to...
Dear Editor: A while back, VDOT redid the intersection at Route 13 and Route 175. One bad thing they did was to put curbs in at T’s Corner. This often makes drivers stop abruptly in confusion, unsure of where to pull in. They sometimes get hung up and then back up...
Dear Editor: Brian Bloedel’s letter in the July 1 edition of the Post uses the absence of a call on Jan. 6, 2021, by former president Trump to make an explicit declaration of a second American revolution as evidence of his innocence. My reading is very different: in line with the...

Kangaroo Court

Following a letter from a reader, we invited commentary on the House Select Committee’s Jan. 6 hearings. This is a response to the hearings. Dear Editor: The Jan. 6 Select Committee is indeed a select one — selected by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to ensure a thirdworld- style kangaroo court. Knowledgeable...
Following a letter from a reader, we invited commentary on the House Select Committee’s Jan. 6 hearings. This is a response to the hearings. Dear Editor: I thank the Post for publishing the letter from Sam Norton. Of all the noise about what happened on Jan. 6, I have never heard...