Don’t Demolish School


Dear Editor:

Things are mighty quiet around the county seat lately. I hope it’s because the Accomack County School Board members and the members of the Board of Supervisors are taking their well-deserved vacations. I hope they are not ruminating on following in the footsteps of their sister county to the south. I saw in the Post that Northampton County will be spending $500,000 to demolish the old Eastville High School and its outbuildings. Please don’t make this a “monkey see, monkey do” event. There is really no comparison, so stop right there.

Anyway, back to the county seat. This quite frustrates me on two counts. First, thank you to the many people who have shared their love for our school and their hope for its renovation with me. But there’s not much I can do other than reminisce. It will take many voices to convince our officials that saving the school is the right thing to do. SO, I’m asking everyone to do one thing. Write a note, leave a phone message, send a text or email to a school board member or a supervisor. Say simply, “Save Our School.”

Second, our officials have not presented an update lately on the progress of this project. I ask that they also do one thing. Share their research and findings with their constituents. Have they had had the condition of the building professionally evaluated for renovation? Would they consider allowing a walkthrough of a committee of those interested in renovation?

We are a small community. We need to work together. Being adversaries is divisive and unproductive. Please, let’s work together to save this grand lady.

Barbara Haynes,

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