Kangaroo Court


Following a letter from a reader, we invited commentary on the House Select Committee’s Jan. 6 hearings. This is a response to the hearings.

Dear Editor:

The Jan. 6 Select Committee is indeed a select one — selected by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to ensure a thirdworld- style kangaroo court. Knowledgeable Republicans were refused participation. Thus the presentation of this waste of taxpayer funds was one-sided and distorted, indeed shameful in a democracy. Further, no mention has been made of the Jan. 6 prisoners secluded and harassed without trial by the Washington, D.C., jail functionaries.

The mail published by the Eastern Shore Post (June 17, Page 51) from a seeming Navy retiree was also shameful. The author must be a Democratic party activist, trying to shore up the weak 2022 campaign of the ill-informed and without judgment Congresswoman Elaine Luria, who is almost as much of a useless embarrassment as the current occupant of the White House, whom she devotedly supports.

The Post has given Luria substantial press without balance, perhaps trying to emulate the Washington Post instead of being an honest newspaper. The editorial decisions of the paper constrain me from subscribing.

Guy L. Siebold,

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